Finnish Students performance (PISA 2018)
Student performance (PISA 2018)
In reading literacy, the main topic of PISA 2015, 15-year-olds in Finland score 520 points compared to an average of 487 points in OECD countries. Girls perform better than boys with a statistically significant difference of 52 points (OECD average: 30 points higher for girls).
On average, 15-year-olds score 507 points in mathematics compared to an average of 489 points in OECD countries. Girls perform better than boys with a statistically significant difference of 6 points (OECD average: 5 points higher for boys).
In Finland, the average performance in science of 15-year-olds is 522 points, compared to an average of 489 points in OECD countries. Girls perform better than boys with a statistically significant difference of 24 points (OECD average: 2 points higher for girls).
Socio-economic status explains 9% of the variance in reading performance in Finland (OECD average: 12%).
The average difference between advantaged and disadvantaged students in reading is 79 points, compared to an average of 89 in OECD countries. However, 13% of disadvantaged students are academically resilient (OECD average: 11%).